Top 8 Dangers You Must Avoid When Using Free Moving Boxes

Top 8 Dangers You Must Avoid When Using Free Moving Boxes. Moving is a costly affair, when it comes to both time, and money. That’s one of the reasons why it’s great to grab moving boxes when they are free! Great when friends, family members, or neighbours help out by gifting you, their boxes.


The box’s structure may already be compromised When taking used boxes, it’s possible that the bottom could cave in, and the heavens will open up on your hard, unforgiving concrete driveway. There’s nothing worse than picking up a box full of delicate porcelain or glasses just to have the bottom cave in.


Considering the environment, hygiene, and sanitization of today You don’t know where the box has gone, despite the fact that it is a cliché. or to be more precise, what was contained in that package. You might as well be sliding your underwear and tightly whites over the dog slobber-covered dog toys that the prior user had placed there.


The rooms written on the boxes will confuse you or your removalists Trust me on this. Even if you use a different colour marker and have massively different style handwriting, if you have 2 rooms written on the box, it will confuse the hell out of someone at some point. If you must reuse boxes, try using a sticker over the previous writing and then adding your own. 


You might not receive the appropriate quantity or size for your belongings. Yet again, it to be clear that this is true. It depends on how much you’re relocating and how many trips you require when a removalist gives you boxes. When you utilise second-hand boxes, you could get unused boxes, overstuffed or understaffed boxes (you know, the kind when nothing else is in there for some cosiness and something rattles throughout the whole box).


You shouldn’t rely on the tape work they already have. This only holds true if the boxes are still built and taped or if the old tape is still on them but has been re-flattened. Since you don’t want to tempt fate, you still need to use your own tape, as in number 1.


Too much interest from your dogs could result. If you’re moving with pets—specifically, pets—you could find that your dog is rummaging through these boxes a bit too much. They COULD urinate on them. I’ve saw it occur. There are probably a lot of smell-related sensations and messages going on there, especially if the previous movers had a dog or cat or excreted specific hormones. It could be entertaining at first, but when you try to move the box, it might become a bit of a hassle!


What are your plans for them following that? I understand that it’s not simply a cost-saving measure; it also promotes recycling. I wholeheartedly support environmental protection, but what will you do with the boxes afterwards? The prior owner may not want them returned; this you may need to return them. You can still conserve the environment in this way because a skilled removalist will typically offer boxes as either a form of loan for the relocation or as a purchasable option.


Old crates lure insects and other pests. Particularly when damp or moist, this is true. Rats, woodlice, cockroaches, and other pests all enjoy a nice piece of used cardboard. It provides refuge and safety, which is why rats adore it. You don’t want boxes filled with rat waste. I hope.

We could have simply given you another 8 risks, but these are your top 8! In order to make your move easier, hopefully you have hired reputable removalists who can provide you with boxes at a reasonable price. However, think twice before recycling old boxes.

Crushed cardboard box isolated on white background.