Common questions!

Common questions we get asked everyday;

There’s no such thing as a silly question, so if you still have any queries about our services, please contact us today 02 6583 1595.

One of our most common questions : Is there a fee for a quote?

No! We offer free quote’s. You are able to get a free quote by filling out our online form below.

Do you have any packing supplies for sale?

Yes! Our packing supplies can be purchased by coming into our depot at; 7 Karungi Crescent, Port Macquarie, NSW, 2444

Do you commute across state lines?

Yes! Request a free quote right here.

We offer a professional pre-packing service, where we can come in and pre-pack your smaller goods into boxes before the move or on the day (depending on how much packing is required).

Having us perform your pre-packing for you can save you time and allow us to do a better job.

Do you transport hazardous materials?

Removalists are unable to carry flammables, explosives, poisons, corrosives, and other dangerous substances for insurance and liability concerns,.

a mower that is still fueled. Separate such goods from the rest of your belongings to minimize last-minute confusion when the removal crew arrives.

Do you like to move plants around?

Most movers dislike transporting plants because they are inconvenient, can leave dirt inside the truck, and can leak water.

However, we’ve perfected our plant-moving technique, and we’re pleased to do so as long as they’ve been adequately prepared prior to our arrival.

We ask that you empty clay pots into containers and place plant roots in plastic bags before your relocation.

and that you do not water plants.

If you’re on the market for a new home and need plants taken care of until you find one,

What should I do in the days leading up to my removal team’s arrival?

Dismantling and unplugging your bed, gym equipment, white goods, and devices is highly recommended.

It will help moving day go by lot more quickly. In fact, we’ve written an useful post about why doing these things is a good idea.

Is a safe location carton required?

A safe spot carton is the last to be loaded and the first to be unloaded from the truck. Keeping one of them open on a convenient area, such as a kitchen countertop, is a smart idea for storing small goods such as keys, landline phones, mobile phones, computers, chargers, and other items that are easily misplaced.

What should I do to prepare my fridge and freezer?

This is one of the most common questions for us.

Unplugging refrigerators and freezers and emptying them of their contents into eskies and the like is the right approach to prepare them for shipment. Remove all shelves, trays, and drawers and thoroughly clean with hot, soapy water after the device has been turned off until they have defrosted.

It’s fine to turn off appliances less than ten years old shortly before moving them, but following the move, they should be let to sit for at least half an hour before turning on to allow the gas to settle.

The doors should be left open for a period of time before moving into a storage condition so that it can settle.

How do I get my BBQ ready?

Detach the gas bottle from your BBQ before moving it (you will need to make your own arrangements for the transportation of it because gas bottles are a prohibited item on our trucks). To protect it and save room, remove and clean the drip tray, as well as the wing panels on each side if possible.

Is it necessary for me to empty my filing cabinets and chest of drawers?

If the contents of goods like chests of drawers, dressing tables, and filing cabinets haven’t been removed before being transported, the added weight can place undue strain on the frames. They will become weaker as a result, and they will be more likely to fall apart. Apart from that, the added weight makes them heavier.