Clean Up Your Life (Through the eyes of a woman)

Clean up your life through the eyes of a women. These days, life is so busy that it seems like we have less and less time and move at an ever-increasing pace. We also appear to be gathering more and more possessions. We end up with less space and more stuff, whether it’s the dress your mother gave you that doesn’t match anything, but you really should keep because you can’t bring yourself to part with it, or a variety of other things.

Clutter Breeds Confusion

Statistics suggest that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men have an anxiety problem, and there is a clear link between a cluttered home and a disorganised mind. Take a deep breath and start to regain control by decluttering because confusion produces clutter and clutter breeds confusion. A simple strategy for approaching decluttering is to imagine you’re about to eat an elephant. If you approach decluttering from a large perspective, you could easily become overwhelmed, which can’t be good. Eat the elephant one bite at a time, plateful by plateful, and it will soon be gone. Separating everything into four categories is an intelligent strategy.

The 4 Step Approach

For a throw-out, speak with the council, rent a large bin, or contact A&R Removals bout their junk removal service. Items that are unwanted but could be useful to others. Hold a garage sale, list your items on Gumtree, or give to a good cause. Items that you must save in case you need them someday.

Where Do I Start?

Laundry is a fantastic place to start your decluttering. This room collects a lot of things because it is a utility room. Be brutal with worn-out clothing, shoes, and other items that you haven’t had time to fix or use. It probably isn’t worth keeping if you haven’t worn it in the past six months; throw it trash! Go through the linen closet and donate used blankets, towels, and sheets to Lifeline or another deserving organisation that aids the less fortunate. Clear out the area under the sink and dispose of any expired foods as well as empty and partially used containers. Next up is the kitchen. Go through the cabinets and remove the benches. Get rid of any kitchenware and electric devices you don’t use.

Good Advice from Grandma

Don’t give me a gift I can’t use, and don’t give me something I need to dust, were two of my grandma’s catchphrases. She was pretty good about sticking to this and donated a lot of things to mother’s day stalls and nursing homes. Get rid of any outdated trinkets and art that you don’t like or use. If you can locate a buyer online, you might even make a few dollars.

Have a girlfriend assist you in going through your wardrobe. Be ruthless; if something doesn’t fit or isn’t being worn, sell it eBay or donate it to a good cause. The more time you spend in a place, it appears like the garage fills up with more items. Because of my husband’s hoarding, my car has never fit in the garage; at this point, I believe it to be a medical problem. There is nowhere to go anymore because the situation has gotten so severe. Reclaim your life! For a free estimate on Storage, contact the A& R Removals office.

Clean Up Your Life (Through the eyes of a woman)